Let the force clean your teeth.

In an era  of electric toothbrushes, sensodyne, dental floss and jetwashers to keep our teeth clean, there is still a place for the humble toothpick. Back in good old Mesopotamia and the Roman empire, toothpicks were the main means of dental hygiene, and the fact that they ate little sugar made them sport those fantastic white Hollywood smiles..(this is a historical fact, we at JWS take our facts seriously, using all kinds of trustful sources like Gladiator and Ben Hur.)

Look perfect teeth right?

Nowadays though the toothpick would be fighting  a losing a battle against our high-sugar diet, but thanks to our improved dental cleaning methods, the toothpick can sit down and take it easy and only makes it appearance on the dinner table.

But now you’re sitting opposite of your date eating a delicious dinner and just when you want to smile about something she said, you feel that there’s something stuck in your front teeth…with your tongue you try to pry it loose, but to no avail…you look at your dish trying to figure out what it could be, if it’s white she might not notice, but ah your eye falls on the little black sesame seeds on your dish and you know that you have a problem….

How you wished that you had paid attention to this site..you would have known about the tooth saber from Bandai.

This is maybe the second best thing to a real light saber for getting rid of unwanted food particles in your mouth.

It’s genius really, you have this little Darth Vader figure on your table, looking all mysterious, and when you pull the lever on his back, he’ll hand you a toothpick hidden in his cape.  There are a total of 10 toothpicks hidden in his cape.

It’s genius for other reasons too, you can finally put a Star Wars figure in the living room without anyone making a fuss,and  if you run out of talking material, you can say “let me show you a  trick”, and fill up another 10 minutes with conversation.

Of course toothpicks also make for great finger/fork substitutes.

The Darth Vader ToothSaber is now up for pre-order with estimated release in June, and the price is 2,627 yen.

Get it now or let us get it on Amazon Japan

Hirano Tomoko JWS






Limited ion plated Gundam tumbler now up for pre-order.

Gundam Cafe Online the creators of the discovery-g series which also brought us these sake cups (sixth installment), now introduced their  seventh installment.

GCO has been upping their game with this ion coated drinking tumbler, created after the RX-78-2 Gundam rocket pack “vernier thrusters”, this tumbler is a true masterpiece.

Made out of 18-8 stainless steel (this steel has superior corrosion resistance..so it says) by the craftsmen/blacksmith  of Tsubame in collaboration with  Sabae famous for its Echizen lacquer ware. Sabae is also one of the three major producer of glasses where they with more than 100 years of experience in ion plating make for the perfect partner.

The Gundam tumbler has a black titanium colored outside and a silver colored inside.


There is just too much involved in the production process to write down and not sound like a total bore, so trust me when I say that this tumbler isn’t something you can make yourself or something you can find at your local Wall Mart.

These tumblers have a double-wall structure preserving the warmth or coldness of the drink you pour in it splendidly.


製造工程1:治具にタンブラーを設置して手作業でプ レス加工
The basic form is made in a jig
Manufacturing process 2: continue to fine-tune the shape of the tumbler in hand
They fine-tune the shape by hand

It comes in a beautiful box with illustrations of Kunio Okawara, which is a collector’s item by itself.

大河原邦男イラストの桐箱に入った「GUNDAM バーニアタンブラー ION PLATING(イオンプレーティング)」


Reservations are accepted until  April 8 and the delivery date is in June.

All the  folks who ordered the tin sake cups from us, can vouch that these products are guaranteed of the highest quality (thank you all for the nice messages) and a true collector’s dream! We don’t send direct mails (it’s against our policy of keeping personal information), so we hope that all of you don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Price 7,344 yen (+tax)

bandai store

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Japanwebshopping JWS



Kiss+Ukiyo-E project=total awesomeness

“The true beauty and purpose of this traditional art form is brought back to life, as a new Ukiyo-e piece by skilled craftsmen (Illustrator • Wood Carver • Hand Printer) who have passed down the original techniques to subsequent generations for over 400 years.”

Creating these wood prints is an 8 month process

True Japan lovers and art lovers don’t have to be informed in the beauty and skill of Ukiyo-e, the 400 year old Japanese Traditional Woodblock Print art.

This time they partnered up with U.S.-based Epic Rights, the global brand management firm for KISS to create the best looking Ukiyo-e yet…KISS has some kind of Kabuki presence due to their make up and facial expressions (think long tongue), which makes them the perfect models.

They have created 3 unique pieces for the “international” market (which in this case means the USA and Japan) , with two pieces coming in “autographed”(by the band) and not “autographed”.

1-The artwork shows a battle scene of MOMOIRO CLOVER Z (MCZ) in vibrant, bright and colorful armor, versus KISS as the black flame, fireball monster.

MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs. KISS Ukiyo-e  $1,250.00

2-KISS Kabuki Ukiyo-e. This portrait style is very popular in the Ukiyo-e art. The design of the Kimono comes from Aoko Roshi(47 Ronin), a touch of shine is infused with mica on the Kimono (grey area) in respect to KISS. The color inside Hauberk expresses each member of the band.
The lighter color make-up symbolizes Kabuki’s Kumadori make-up.

$1,250.00 or  $2,500.00 for the autographed piece

Autographed KISS Kabuki



3-KISS Monstrous Ukiyo-e. The members of the band are transformed into monsters and samurai. Gene Simmons is the flying devil with the big head. Eric Singer is the ‘Nekomata (mythical two-tailed monster)’, which stands for cat monster just like his character in the band. Tommy Thayer is the ‘Nuribotoke’ a monster with the Buddha face. Paul Stanley is the warrior who fights these creatures and the front piece of the warrior’s helmet has a star shape from his persona name ‘Star Child’.
Pentagram is his signature but hexagram on his armor above his knees are meant to protect from the evil.

$1,250.00 or  $2,500.00 for the autographed piece

Autographed KISS Monstrous


For the Japanese only(KISS fan club) market they have one more….

4-KISS Ukiyo ERI “Ukiyo Sui

KISS浮世絵 『浮世粋男接吻四人衆之内宝琉須丹礼』 【サイン入り】

original piece

KISS浮世絵 『浮世粋男接吻四人衆之内宝琉須丹礼』 【サイン入り】KISS浮世絵 『浮世粋男接吻四人衆之内宝琉須丹礼』 【サイン入り】KISS浮世絵 『浮世粋男接吻四人衆之内宝琉須丹礼』 【サイン入り】

The prices in Japanese yen are 108,000 yen and 237,600, which is 966,- and 2,127 dollars give or take at the present exchange rate, which means that they charge you $250 dollars for packaging, shipping and import duty(which is included in the price). If we order yours we will receive the print in the same packaging but we’ll give you the luxury to choose the courier. Folks from other nationalities have no choice than to use us in obtaining these pieces, but you too have the option to choose from several couriers.

Each print will be limited to 200 pieces!

Estimated delivery: Mid November or Early December of 2015 .

Size: 18.9 x 13.4inches (48 x 34cm)

The Ukiyo-e is Unframed yet, it is presented in a specially designed folio made specifically for the KISS Ukiyo-e series.

Material: Washi, Traditionally hand-made Japanese Paper “Echizen kizuki housho” “Echizen kizuki housho” is made by Shouhachi Yamaguchi in Fukui Prefecture. This Washi making in Fukui has a history of 1500 years. Washi was used for preserving documents in the age of the samurai. Made of all natural fibers from the mulberry tree, which allows the Washi to be very durable. Ukiyo-e would not have its form unless the Artisans had this Washi paper. And there’s only 2 Washi craftsmen left to make this Echizen kizuki housho.


All these prints are up for pre order, BUT, you can cancel your order any time during the pre-order period,  Once the items are ready, the buyer will receive a notification email. Once notified, the buyer will have 24 hours to cancel before we process the payment. Once the credit card payment is processed, 5% will be charged for the cancelled order after the 24 hours.

This also counts if you order through us, your payment won’t be touched until you have received your order, this system goes for all our products and we can proudly say that we’ve never let a customer down.

Ukiyo-e project


information and request form

Japanwebshopping JWS


Rock And Roll All Nite ジーン・シモンズTシャツ
KISS ARMY T 2,970円

Serge Roso JWS




Now you and your kids can experience the fun of owning a cat without any of the hairballs!

Kids these days sure do get some high-tech toys. Gone are the days of the Furby and the Tamagotchi — now we have actual moving, expressive robots! It’s all the good stuff about having a pet without any of the hard work.

For example, toy company Takara Tomy’s latest robotic pet, Hello! Woonyan, goes on sale in Japan next month. According to the following tweet by the company, the “capricious kitty robot” has a diverse array of abilities, including the following:

“Real meowing! Real movements! It chases after your hand and its toy ball using the infrared sensors in its eyes. We’re now taking preorders for Hello! Woonyan.”

▼ Some of Woonyan’s other tricks include changing eye colors to demonstrate mood swings, singing, dancing, and displaying hidden talents, such as barking like a dog.



Hello! Woonyan joins Takara Tomy’s lineup of other Hello! robotic pets, which include Hello! Zoomer the dog and Hello! Dino the, well, green robotic dinosaur.



Check out the following promotional video to see Woonyan in action:

▼ This commercial has taught us that kids will go positively starry-eyed when they see any robotic toy, and won’t stop staring at it…quiet kids..oh yes!


▼ …now…


▼…or now…


▼ …or even now. Hey, is it even possible to hypnotize a robot?


▼ Dude, that’s actually a little creepy.


Nowadays, robotic pets are so popular that your real, living pets will beg for your attention. “Play with me, too,” your forlorn hamster squeaks…


The only thing that’s not so darling about Woonyan? Its hefty price tag of 18,000 yen (US$161). Maybe mom shouldn’t let the cat out of the bag–or the toy store–after all!

request form

Sources: Twitter/@takaratomytoys, Takara Tomy
Top image: Takara Tomy

written by rocketnews 24 edited by JWS

1/1 scale armored batman for in your living room/bed room/dungeon.

Patiently we are waiting for the release of Batman vs Superman next week….nah, patiently my a.. , I’ve been replaying all the batman movies of late, trying to get my sons interested in something else than Youkai Watch, Naruto and Doraemon. Yeah at present time these two super heroes would lose from an earless robot cat from the future, if I asked “what movie do you guys wanna see?”. But my plan of brainwashing the rugrats is slowly reaping the fruit of my labour. No longer do I have to explain the meaning of krypronite, no weird looks are given when I walk around in my batman costume…..life is good.

1-Picture 006

But then Japanese figure maker Hot Toys releases a 220cm 1/1 scale Armored Batman replica and my kids fully supported my decision to order it, until they found out that they had to sleep in the kitchen, as the only place with space to fit this huge figure  is their bedroom….kids…selfish to the bone!

Like usual Hot Toys figures are perfect to the detail, with real looking skin, truly authentic  looking armor and even led lights to light up the eye and the foot rest.

At 1,400,000 yen it isn’t an impulse buy, but you should see it as art, it won’t lose its value and it makes for a sure breath taking display in your house or shop. (pre-order delivery in August)

Unfortunately no weight is written down, but it surely won’t be heavier than an equally priced Toyota Corolla…making it less costly than importing a car!

It will be shipped in four parts, but assembly is a breeze, making it a one time family project.

For those with little space or smaller wallets, Hot Toys also released this 1/6 scaled armored batman at about 33 centimeters it’s certainly a bit smaller but not less impressive as the same sense of detail and perfection went into this product as well. you can even change the expression of Ben Affleck, through two included interchangeable face parts leaving this figure the real actor in the wind when it comes to facial expressions. Similar to its’ big brother, the eyes also light up….and that for a measly 38,000 yen.(pre-order delivery in November)

We’d almost forgot his foe/friend Superman….29,894 yen (pre-order delivery in June)

Superman comes with 8 hands!

And finally for those with true tight living spaces these Cosbaby 6 figure set is the perfect “must have”. Cosbaby comes from cosplay baby and Hot Toys has been selling this line for quite some time now to loving collectors. (14,000 yen pre-order delivery in June)

No matter what you choose, we can get it for/to you as cheap as possible, give us a heads up!


Those folks how don’t care about figures, but wish to look like these super heroes through vigorous exercise (yes yes I’m talking about myself, admiring my flexed biceps while typing this), might be interested to know that our favorite sports apparel shop Body Maker  also jumped on the bandwagon with a new very affordable line.


Compression shirt 2,800 yen



No sleeve compression shirts 2,800 yen




Training gloves 1,800 yen

トレーニンググローブ エアーメッシュ BATMAN VS SUPERMANトレーニンググローブ エアーメッシュ BATMAN VS SUPERMAN

T-shirt 2,000 yen


Serge Roso JWS











Stunning line of caps made from real kimono fabrics

Beautiful kimono and obi sashes are transformed into caps in this impressive new range of Japanese streetwear.

After a year in development, Japanese company W@nder Fabric has released a unique lineup of caps made with traditional fabrics sourced from vintage kimono and obi sashes. From beautifully patterned plain fabrics to more colourful, vibrant designs, there are more than 100 styles to choose from.



▼ Prices range from 8,190 yen (US$72.51) for the “Variation Kimono Cap” design, which features a patterned peak…


▼ to 9,345 yen for the colourful “Kimono Cap” style


▼ And 10,290 yen for shiny, top-of the-range “Kimono Obi Cap” designs.


▼ Even the plain-coloured caps feature gorgeous details which reveal traditional Japanese motifs and patterns.


The company prides itself on bringing new life to traditional vintage fabrics, saving materials from going to waste by re-using them in a way that appeals to the modern market. The caps are made from unique garments, meaning each pattern or design is only available in limited numbers.

To see the caps on the streets of New York in the company’s ad campaign, head over to the W@nder Fabric website and online store.

While they’re currently delivering within Japan only, the newly established company is seeking overseas buyers to distribute the caps internationally, especially for the US market, so it shouldn’t be too long before you can purchase one of these unique caps in your area, but if you can’t wait…drop us a mail.


Source: PR Times

Hello Kitty-branded instant cameras, so you can shake it like a Polaroid in 2016!

Is Hello Kitty cute enough to get an analog camera to sell in 2016?


It goes without saying, perhaps, but if there is a single “Queen of Cute,” it would be Hello Kitty. The character’s adorableness is pretty much her only selling point — and she’s been making bank for as long as she’s been around! Of course, since Sanrio is open to licensing Hello Kitty to all sorts of stuff, it was probably in inevitable that she’d show up in some unusual places. But this might be the strangest we’ve seen yet.

Fujifilm’s Instax Mini Hello Kitty is an instant camera that’s somehow been on the market for around two years. We’re not sure who’s buying them, but we do have to admit that they’re surprisingly cute! If you can get past the whole “cyclops Hello Kitty” thing.



And this year, Fujifilm is releasing a limited edition 2016 model! The new features that make this a must-buy are…a red bow? Well, if you’re a dedicated collector or just looking for a fun way to take photos of your friends, we suppose this would work.

▼ Regular model on left, limited-edition model on right


As for what exactly this camera does, it’s basically a Polaroid that prints photos on small photos with cute Hello Kitty borders. While it seems kind of odd for people to be using this when nearly everyone has a far more powerful camera built into their phones, there definitely is something fun about having tiny, physical photos. And we bet it’s a lot easier to get people to smile for the camera when it looks like Hello Kitty!

▼ A 2014 commercial for the camera featuring Hello Kitty and…bears?

So, should you run out and buy the new model? Well, we wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to spend 10,670 yen (about US$93) on a camera that takes tiny photos. But at the same time, we wouldn’t blame if you did either! You can find the cameras on Fujifilm’s website, and the regular pink version is available on Amazon Japan , if you don’t care about the red bow.

JWS request form

rocketnews 24 edited by JWS

Sources: Instax, FujiFilm Mall, ITMedia
Images: Instax, YouTube/FujiFilm Japan

Kendama for beginners and pro’s

If you’ve been waiting, now is the perfect time to take up the traditional children’s game!

As the game grows in popularity overseas, kendama is also getting a bit of extra attention in Japan, it looks like the game might be developing some real mainstream appeal. And with Sanrio now releasing some ultra-cute kendama sets, we’re pretty sure it’s popularity will only grow more!

Check out these vids from the duo Zoomadanke with zoomastyle!

▼ Because who wouldn’t want to play with this in public?


Kendama has been around for generations, so there’s no questioning its staying power, but we also think it’s fair to say the game isn’t quite as popular as, say, Candy Crush these days. But a Hello Kitty version of kendama seems like the perfect way to get some new people to play the game. And the toys, produced by Sanrio and available on their online store for 2,268 yen (about US$20), even bear the Japan Kendama Association’s specially recommended product mark, so if you’re looking to get started, this is, officially, one of the best you can buy!

There are six to choose from, all featuring some of Sanrio’s most popular characters. Of course, the first, and our favorite, is Hello Kitty!

▼ Though we’d feel kind of bad swinging her around like that…


There are also two versions of everyone’s favorite lazy egg, Gudetama! First is the normal version, which has the character sitting in half an egg shell, looking as if it just settled into a nice hot bath.


And then we have a golden version of Gudetama.

▼ Though he looks no less lazy…


And for a old-school, child-friendly version, we also have one of the cutest frogs in Japan, Kero Kero Keroppi!


There’s also a Pom Pom Purin kendama toy in case your favorite animal is the adorably illustrated dog.


And, finally, there’s a My Melody version. Interestingly enough, it’s not listed on Sanrio’s website — but you can find it on Amazon Japan.



If you want to take a notch higher than it’s a good idea to check out the following kendama tokohoku

This site is set up by Beams and Yahoo Japan Corporation Reconstruction Assistance, primarily for kendama enthusiasts, and for the build up of Tohoku where the awful earthquake and tsunami struck. Part of the sales will be donated to organizations engaged in reconstruction in Tohoku. So you get the best of the best, because each product is created in collaboration with professional kendama players, and you get to do a good deed!




430(フォーサーティ) / NOB

BMX and kendama!




Hiroshi Sawada was the first Asian to winthe Latte Art World Championship in Seattle in 2008. The first Streamer Coffee Company” in Shibuya, Tokyo opened in 2010, and quickly expanded to four more shops. Somebody who had the talent to balance four succesful shops and still making perfect lattes in his mainshop surely has a knack for kendama..and yes he’s a passionate kendama player, even releasing his own kendama line.

商品画像1kendam tote bag



kendama holder



For more information don’t hesitate to contact us.

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New super flexible doll might be your best substitute for a real-life model

For most artists, drawing something when you have nothing to look at or be inspired by can be tough, but a company called Phicen created  “seamless bendable figures“, to give you that much needed inspiration. Their line-up feature either a fully poseable 1:6-scale ripped guy or busty gal. While neither figure may be especially realistic when you compare their proportions to your average Jane or Joe, they bend at 26 different points and provide a super-realistic look at how muscles, skin, and shadowing look at an almost endless number of angles—ideal for anime and manga artists!

▼ This is practically Lupin’s Fujiko in bendable form, but with “woman secret parts”.


▼ And a male version for all you artists out there that might need a guy with a prefect six-pack for a reference as you draw the next big shonen manga thriller. (“man secret parts” not included, or possibly sold separately? :O)


Depending on where you buy them from, each figure costs upwards 12,210 yen for the female and 14,800 yen for the man, but we’re sure that’s still much cheaper than hiring a real-life model for reference or multiple pose packs from Manga no Shiryo.net.

Members of the Japanese art community who have bought the figures seem rather pleased with their purchases, too:

“I went out and bought the Phicen doll everyone’s been talking about to use as a reference. Although it can’t be posed in every single way possible, it’s a lot more flexible than I thought it would be.”

“This seamless figure really is more flexible than you’d imagine it would be. I bought the male figure, but now I’m thinking about getting the female version.”

Of course, even if you’re not a serious artist, we imagine either would provide hours of fun at work as an office toy/decoration.

man body

headless lady

Japanese product designers give their own unique spin on common products..

Koncent the site which gave us the earplug dachhunds has a huge variety of common products to which young and veteran Japanese product designers have left their own twist. Some products increase in usability while others just got a visual “upgrade”, but in all case sthere’s a clear improvement over the original products, and you know that’s sometimes all we need..evolution over revolution.

Soil brings us the “COASTER Light“, which are, well, coasters.These coasters however are made out of diatomaceous earth, and paper fiber (Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-formed sedimentary mineral rock) and while diatomaceous earth is often associated with health boosting powers such as the mineral Silica'(diatomaceous earth is composed of approximately 85% silica.), a mineral which is required by  tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones. Anyways we don’t recommend you to eat these coasters, they’re far too pretty and pricey for that. What these coasters do, besides looking good, is absorbing liquids on the bottom of your glass and  eventually dry up leaving no mark on the coaster.

circle or square.3,024 yen a piece



And if you’re a giant, I mean a GIANT then they have bath mats, which normal people use as bathmats, but YOU can use as huge coaster.

Bath mat Large soil diatomaceous earth


Ever fancied a dwarf holding your cup? Well your dreams might come true with Kobito(dwarf) cup stands, they can hold your cup in three different positions and well..that’s all, but that doesn’t make them any less desirable.

KOBITO コップ +d アッシュコンセプト

KOBITO コップ +d アッシュコンセプト

Now imagine, you had a hard long day, you went from one department store to another, one shop, two shops, three shops, you lost count, you didn’t even have time for a bite, I mean a big sale like this happens only once, maybe twice sometimes three times a year…you HAVE to shop until you drop. You lost your male partner at the second shop and didn’t look back..he’ll be there when you get home…that lovely heavily discounted shirt won’t, if you don’t get it now!

Finally you get home and kick of those fabulous Jimmy Choo boots,  your feet are killing you, Jimmy makes great shoes..for people with perfect feet that is…cat walk models don’t have bunions.. You’re not going to wear those boots for a while, just looking at them make you cringe, but they are pieces of art and therefore they have to be treated like that, so you put these lovely bootkeepers from Sumi Kusa Hana in them. Made out of special non-woven fabrics and filled with particulate charcoal, these bootkeepers will protect your precious boots against humidity and moisture from outside and inside and will keep the leather supple and mold free.They will of course  also eliminate any odor keeping your house smelling sweat free.


炭草花 アイオーティーカーボン
1,944 yen
炭草花 アイオーティーカーボン
2,160 yen
炭草花 アイオーティーカーボン
4,104 yen
炭草花 アイオーティーカーボン
1,296 yen


charcoal  particulate charcoal is used in the leg part.







One piece of molded charcoal is used for the foot



How many times haven’t you wished that you had a magnifying glass handy, maybe to read the fine print on a contract, to remove a tiny splinter from your finger or to go all Sherlock Holmes and investigate a crime. Unfortunately though most magnifying glasses aren’t that portable and the ones that are lack any sense of design…meaning that they’ll end up in the bottom of  your bag, never to be found again.

44 year old designer Takeshiakira Baba came up with the Yuki-megane (snow glasses), for the lens he knocked on Nikon’s door and they came up with a lens so clear that you can see the individual snow crystals when you look at snow through these glasses! You can use these glasses with your mobile phone’s camera and use its 8.3 magnifying power to take some wonderful micro snaps.

Snow glasses plus Dee

Made out of aluminum, this lovely snowman shaped magnifying will look good as a pendant or key holder too.

Price: 2,160 yen



This nostalgic ringing (kling kling klong klong)will sound every time the door opens. Perfect for a home, office or shop that wants to welcome visitors with a warm, gentle clanging that conjures up images of old village life, the Tama Door Chime also looks pretty neat too.

Here’s a sample of the sound:

Tama Door Chime

Tama chime timbre

It can be attached to a door so it jingles when it moves, which then creates the charming metal ringing sound. Made using maple wood from Hokkaido and aluminum from Toyama, the cute bulb-like shape has both a natural feel and a pop color look to it. Attach it to a metal door using the wall magnet included with the set.

price: 4,644 yen

Finally here is a quick list of some other lovely products:

Birdie Paper knife/letter opener

バーディー ペーパーナイフ +d
540 yen


Cupmen noodles
864 yen

One of my pet peeve is that when I make my cup noodles, I never really don’t know how long I have to wait till they’re ready…well this is no longer a problem after I ordered these Cupmen! 

1-You pour hot water in your noodles.

2-You place a cupmen on the top, closing the lid.

3-When his arms turn white, you’re ready to devour your hot noodles!

A pin which doesn’t leave a mark on your wall after you remove them? Make way for the Ninjapin!

432 yen

The ITA (which is Japanese for cutting board) cutting board is amazing due to its simplicity yet extra ordinary usefulness .

Cutting board EA To CO Yoshikawa
5,940 yen

It’s a cutting board consisting out of two parts, a black raisin (polyethylene) board which lies within a wooden board. When you cut meat, the meat juices will drip into the wooden part, leaving your kitchen/dining table spotless. You can also separate the two and use them as separate boards.

Cutting board EA To CO Yoshikawa

Check out this site and you’ll find many more evolutionary products like the ones described above..happy shopping!


Serge Roso JWS